


4:12 Youth Minstry desires to help churches to reach youth. With this goal in mind we desire to teach conferences to pastors and church leaders. We also have conferences for youth themselves. Traditionally we teach conferences in villages and rural areas, but we also teach in town centers. We're prepaired to teach in any setting.

Momentum Conferences

Momentum conferences are for pastors and church leaders not youth although we would happily teach youth if they happen to come. The goal of Momentum conferences is to help equip pastors and church leaders to start a weekly bible study for youth or a full on youth ministry. We are not thinking that a pastor will do all of the youth ministry, but we want them to have understanding on how to start and run a weekly youth ministry. We have a first level conference named Momentum 1 and a second level follow up conference named Momentum 2. Both of these conferences are either one or two days in length. Generally we like to teach them from 9am-4pm in a given day.

We do not expect pastors to teach and preach to the youth all of the time, but we do expect a pastor to help see a youth ministry have success in his local church. We desire to see a pastor after receiving training from our Momentum conferences to find someone who is faithful, available, and teachable to run the youth ministry at thier church. Pastors are busy and rarely have time to do anyting extra especially run a youth ministry. So our goal at the momentum conference is to train pastors so that they can delegate the youth ministry to someone faithful in their local churches. We understand that this can see challenging to a small village church, but we have seen 100's of successful examples of village pastors having a local church member help them see a youth ministry start up and then it thrives even leading to adults to be added into the church.

Kuza Seminar

Kuza Seminars are for youth and not for pastors or church leaders although we would happily teach pastors and church leaders if they happen to come. The goal of Kuza Seminars is to help support the pastors and church leaders with their youth ministry. We desire to be a catalyst to help youth grow stronger in the Lord through this Kuza Seminar. Kuza Seminars run ideally for 2 days. We traditionally teach them in youth seminars, conferences, camps, youth ministry meetings, schools, and other gatherings. We're open to other creative ideas. Generally we like to teach a Kuza Seminar from 9am-4pm in a given day.

We Will Partner With You To Teach a Conference:

In regards to our potential partnership we desire that following things would happen:

4:12 Youth Ministry Responsibilities:

  1. Teach our conference for free- We will not charge you anything.

  2. Transport ourselves for free- We will pay our own transportation to where you are.

  3. Provide certificates and books for free- We will provide all books and certificates for the those that attend the conference without any cost to them.

Host Church/Ministry Responsibility:

1. Provide Housing- We desire that the church/ministry will provide somewhere for our teachers to stay. We traditionally like to stay with the host pastor or minister. We don't need a fancy guesthouse or hotel. We like to get to know the pastor or minister on a personal level so that we can pray for them and minister to them. We generally travel with two teachers so please make sure you can host them.

2. Provide Food- Provide food for the teachers & conference attenders to eat while the conference is going on. We don't have enough money as a ministry to pay for food for all those who attend.

3. Provide Quality People- The church/ministry must do their best to provide the desired people for either the Kuza seminar (youth) or the Momentum conference (pastors & church leaders). We do not have a desired number or minimum of people to come, we just desire the right people.

What We Teach

Contact us directly to see what we teach. We will send you a sample of our curriculum.